Vienna House in Vancouver


Following several talks organized by PUSH consulting in Vancouver in 2016 the Western Canadian metropolis is now constructing a “Vienna House” pilot housing project based on the Vienna experiences while Vienna´s “Vancouver House” is nearing completion. Financed by the Vancouver Affordable housing Association (VAHA) and planned by Public Architecture + Communication the seven-storey development near the Sky Train at Trout Lake Park will include 123 affordable rental apartments around an inner courtyard. Following the recommendations by PUSH Consulting planning is based on Vienna’s famous “Four Pillar Model” with qualities checked in the fields of architecture, ecology, economy, and social sustainability. This important pilot project will also be a certified passive house in timber construction. Construction is expected to start in 2023. Meanwhile Vienna´s “Vancouver House” is being constructed by the not-for-profit housing developer “Frieden” (Peace) in the Waldreben urban development area in the capital’s 23rd district. Planned by architects Rüdider Lainer and Partners (RLP), who won the developer´s competition and implementing an innovative energy concept with 100 percent renewable energy by Woschitz Engineering. It will be based on Vancouver’s experiences with timber building. It will include 107 subsidized affordable rental units plus a kindergarten and community rooms. Tenants – including a group of low-income single parents are expected to move in early 2024. PUSH will continue to inform about this development.

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